Bus stops on Pitfure Road Wakfield closed

Posted on 15 April 2024

Route 6

Contractors are upgrading a Water Main along the length of Pitfure Road, Wakefield that will involve a series of Manual Traffic Control, Traffic Signals and a one-lane one-way closure, both attended and unattended.

These works are expected to take approximately 8 weeks to complete.

As these works will impact the Bus Stops and Route, we have closed the two Bus Stops located on Pitfure Road (Outbound direction opposite 41 Pitfure road) (Inbound direction 37 Pitfure Road) which will affect route 6.

To replace these stops, we are suggesting to use the existing stop located at 10 Whitby Way (inbound and outbound direction). This will be for the duration of the project.

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