Fares and zones

Fares are based on the number of zones you travel through, how you pay for your journey and any concessions that may apply.

We accept cash for your journey. However, users with a Bee Card pay a lower fare compared to those paying with cash.

Bee Card

You can get a Bee Card from Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council customer service centres. You can also find them at public libraries in Nelson, Tāhunanui, Stoke, Richmond and Motueka, the Four Squares in Wakefield, Māpua and Brightwater, or you can order one online at beecard.co.nz.


Concessions such as a SuperGold Card or Community Services Card can be added to your Bee Card either online or in person at our customer service centre on Trafalgar Street.


Passengers can transfer to another bus route for free as long as they do so within an hour of getting off their initial bus.

Bee Card requires you to tag on and off the bus for the system to work. Learn more below.